Trusting Jesus & Growing together. 

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

KBC Student Ministry is for students grades 9th-12th and meets on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM. Each service consists of games, worship, and a relevant teaching from student Pastor Cody Meredith.

Sunday Mornings

LifeGroups: 9:30am-10:15am

We have LifeGroups for our 4 different age groups that come together to talk about their faith and grow closer to God.

Our age groups are:
Sr High Boys - Sr High Girls (9th-12th grade)


We believe it is important for Students to be able to worship God alongside their parents and learn from the example of the adults in their lives. For that reason our KBC students join  the adults in the main sanctuary. 


Sunday Mornings:

Sunday Evenings:

LifeGroups: 9:30am-10:15am
Sr High Boys: Room 201,Upstairs in Worship Center
Sr High Girls: Room 204, Upstairs in Worship Center
Jr High Boys: Room 203, Upstairs in Worship Center
Jr High Girls: Located in Education Building 
 - Birthed from a place that wants to see our older students leave school with all the necessary skills to be a fully prepared adult. Equipped is for any Junior, Senior, or College Freshman that wants to get a head start into adulthood.
- Cooking, money management, job interviewing, college preparation, Bible study and more are taught at this LifeGroup.

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